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Sometimes, a single glance is all you need (From the archives)

Article written by the 21 year old me, worried of citing the source. Cringe version on WWW. DEVILONHEELS.BLOGSPOT.COM

Sometimes, you wake up on the wrong side of the bed (in my case, I roll around and end up falling off!). Everyone around seems to have overslept, and you find yourself stuck in a long, frustrating queue for a shower. (Yes, I live in one of those hostels with communal bathrooms where you have to carry your own bucket and embark on a mini-marathon when your bladder is full!)

You're running late, skipping breakfast, and overall, your day seems to be going downhill. But then, that special someone enters the picture. It could be your boyfriend, best friend, a friend, or just someone in your life who has the power to brighten things up. All it takes is a smile or even a glance, and suddenly, the world becomes your stage, and everything doesn't seem so terrible anymore!

I've always been fortunate to have numerous people who fit the description of that special someone, always ready to pull me out of a slump and instantly make me feel better. This post is dedicated to all those incredible individuals who have made me feel less crummy (which happens quite often!).

Muah! You save the world from my mood swings!

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